Saturday, March 10, 2007

Out with MySpace and in with Blogger

I had attempted to do a MySpace, but I don't like the set up and what it looks like in terms of viewing it and photos. So taking good note of Danielle's and Belinda's blogs I have moved to Blogger. I get the feeling that I may have to visit Danielle for some serious tips on how you create an interesting blog with good photos, and now that she has her computer back I am sure she will be keen - please?

I will give a brief update from MySpace - I signed up for ADSL2 on 29 Jan 2007. Being my usual savvie computer self I couldn't even set the damn thing up without making my first call to my new providers helpline. I decided to try and do a myspace, which was pathetic :(
I was sort of impressed that I was able to add a 2nd posting about a friends new baby including photos, but that was the end of myspace.

I will make my start here brief as I will now have to try and work out how to add a photo to my profile. It is probably really easy, but it doesn't look as simple as browsing for a photo on my computer. Wish me luck.

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