Friday, February 29, 2008

Life Time Member

On Monday I obtained my status of Life Time Member of Weight Watchers. This means that I have managed to weigh in under my goal weight for 6 weigh ins, and I can attend all meeting for free as long as I don't go more than 2kg over my goal weight.
I total I have lost 8.1kg, which is so much more than I expected to achieve, including being able to reach that 10% weight loss. I have also dropped down a size and in some things 2 sizes. Great for the ego, but very bad for the wardrobe.
So to combat this I am treating myself (sort of) with a trip to Melbourne tomorrow for 8 days of sight seeing and clothes shopping. The bad news is the budget was not ready for this holiday, so it could be slim pickings in the shopping department. Thank god for factory outlet shopping, and we all know the best place for that is Melbourne. Joining me will be Pam and Angela. We are all travelling on the same flight over, but all heading home on different days. Our plans to catch up with Karen have gone astray as she is being sent to NSW from Monday to Friday for work. Typical!!
Anyways I am off to do my washing and packing for the trip. As usual I will end up taking too much, but I am determined to go with my smaller suitcase.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Attila's 35th Birthday

The 17th of January marked Attila's 35th birthday. So to celebrate Bianca organised a do at their local (and brand new) pub called The Gate. The start time was 12 noon, however Pam ran late so we didn't get there until about half 12.

Despite the small turn out it was a most enjoyable day, what with the food platters and the bar tab. Keeping in line with weight watchers I drank vodkas and diet coke as these only count as 1 point, however I bombed out on the food, even taking a piece of cake!! What the hell I had ruined my point counting with the number of drinks I consumed.

I think Attila enjoyed the day, and I know Bianca was relieved that she had made it a kid free event. The pub is very new and very flash, which makes such a change compared to the trashy places I have been to. The toilets were amazing and there is nothing like a sensor tap that you can't work!

Thanks for the great afternoon, including the train ride home on the new Mandurah Line, whilst pissed as a fart.
And here is a photo of me and my sis.